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Internationally focused development strategist, leveraging skills to support businesses with their development strategy, climate, gender inequalities and creation of public-private synergies.

Brings 18 years of experience in impact investment in developing and emerging countries.

Strong understanding of sustainable development goals, utilizing financing expertise and leveraging talent to deliver results. Use of sound project management and reporting processes to measure efficiencies and provide accountability for outcomes to wider stakeholders and clients.

Motivated leader, with a focus on managing a team to meet key objectives.

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Development banks


Investment Funds

Financial institutions







CSR strategy support

  • Designing CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) strategies for gender equality, climate, financial inclusion and ESG (Environment, Social and Governance)

  • Operational implementation of strategies (organization, process, training, tools, impact framework, etc.)

  • Preparation and implementation of Non Financial Reporting Directive : impact report, NFRD, CSRD reporping

Evaluation of projects and programs

  • Evaluation of projects, programs and policies

  • Benchmarking (impact management tools, impact indicators, etc.)

  • Carrying out portfolio analysis (Covid-19, performance of enterprises led by women, etc.)


  • CSR, impact measurement, sustainable development, gender equity and climate finance

Finance research by Funding and Business plan

  • Development of Business Plan and financial projections

  • Identification of attractive, sustainable and strategically appropriate financing solutions

Natou Bamba Colon

Executive Director

Contact us

ICG Consulting

Neuilly-Sur-Marne, France

Phone +33 6 63 03 59 83

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